Thursday, May 14, 2009

My First Ever, Brand New, One-of-aKind...

Teenager! I'm acquiring one next Wednesday.


I'm affected by the thought of it. Not because it makes me feel like I'm getting old, but because I feel like it's the beginning of the end. All of my baby birds have hatched, folks. Now one of them is getting to age where he'll be testing his wings for flight. This is where my nest begins to become empty...and as if the numbers weren't proof enough, Timothy has finally broken the 100-lb. mark and grown a good 3 inches this year.

Yes, I realize I'm being slightly premature in my melodrama. My youngest is not yet in Kindergarten, so I have a few good family years left. But....still. I love these guys. Having all four of them at home this year has been life-changing for me (in the very best sense of the word), so allow me a moment of sentimentality. Today I thank God for giving me the gift of motherhood.


  1. It's just the beginning of all new adventures in parenting. I adore having teens - it's not always easy, but I love it.

  2. I agree with Karen. It's a great adventure...and it's bitter, too.

