Friday, April 30, 2010

Cottonwood, Kidz, and Communion

Recently I haven't been blogging much, although it's not for a lack of things happening or thoughts in my head; rather, I just haven't had the time to fish the words out of the clouds in my head and pin them down on virtual paper.  I am going to attempt to remedy that, beginning now.  I have gardening pictures, and kid quotes, and book club thoughts to share, but today I want to talk about church.
Last Sunday I was--to quote Chris (my husband)--"recruited for the military".  Said in the most admiring and respectful terms, of course, and meaning that I'd volunteered to help in our church's children's ministry (Real Kidz).  I am planning on holding babies rather than teaching older kids, because I figure that I have built up patience in the baby arena.  It has been years since I've been in those particular trenches, (those of spit-up and crying and diapers) and have no plans to jump into them again, therefore I figure it's a great opportunity for me to be able to provide some temporary relief to those who are still in the middle of it.  Chris' comment reminded me of a song from Sunday School (good memories!):
I may never march in the infantry,
ride in the calvary,
shoot the artillery,
I may never fly over the enemy,
but I'm in the Lord's army.
Yes Sir!

Last Sunday we also took Communion.  I really try to focus when it's Communion time; it's so easy for my mind to wander, and it's not something I want to do mindlessly.  I started wondering about the exercise of taking Communion, and what it really means.  I realize that I am most likely stumbling into an ancient and well-educated theological argument here, but 'oh well' and 'too bad'--here I go!

Looking at Communion from one small perspective, certainly not all-encompassing, I found myself relating it to physical exercise.  When exercising your physical body, the act of mental concentration on specific muscles actually helps to work those muscles more.  It's amazing to me that focusing your thoughts can result in a better workout.  So then, in Communion, when we take the time to focus and concentrate on what action is taking place, is not the effect greater there too?  In fact, Jesus even said to "do this in remembrance of me" which to me says that he wants us to put the effort in to remember and think about what we are doing, rather than just doing it...possibly suggesting a different outcome when you do.

The question then is, what action is taking place when we take Communion?  I'm sure there are many answers and opinions on this, but what came to me is that the bread and drink represent his body and blood.  His perfect, sinless body and blood.  A picture springs to my mind of his perfect blood cells, healthy and pure, joining with my flawed self, making mine that much more pure, that much more strong.  If the act of consciously taking Communion, of putting the effort into focusing on what God does for us, can make the outcome of this joining bond more effective, then you can be certain that I will be doing my part to make it happen.  Whatever the action is that's occurring, if Jesus said to do it with remembrance I'm fairly confidant that it would be a good thing to do so. :-)


1 comment:

  1. what a great Spirit inspired thought on communion. I've thought of healing before but to think of His perfect blood cells, organs,..... good insight.

